Sunday, September 14, 2008

Search dominance is not lasting - possible reason #2

For the first time I am convinced that there might be a better search engine. Or at least different search engines for different purposes.

I was musing about how sometimes I will only know what I am looking for when I see it. Well - try this out.

Cuil is well - cool - but in my opinion, not as cool as searchme.



James said...

there are another 8-10 search engines out there but to quote from a mate of mine what Google has done is to become the supermarket of searches - rather than the specialty searches that you had with Yahoo, Netscape etc that all had a different cut/perspective of the search tahat you did (so you had to do the search 4 or more times) Google was the generalist and gave you many more hits so became the one everyone relied on (the laziness factor)

John said...

From memory Google mainly replaced "alta vista" which was run by Digital Equipment Corporation - altavista still lives

In this case I think the i s relevant and matches with my memory.

It was a general search engine - probably not as user friendly as google. "I'm feeling lucky" seems like effective marketing to me - I would say it promotes the ideas of 'simple' and 'relevant'. In my remembrances the 'google pagerank' method of rating web-sites seems to have been their biggest innovation. 1000% of web-results are no good if they are not what you are looking for.

Fast is also a core value - they promote the number of milliseconds a search takes to respond.

Trying to find backing material for "I'm feeling lucky' working as a slogan: simple and fast

Brin says" that it relates to a Big Audacious Hairy Goal for Google in terms of relevance.

John said...

I can sort of see why they created the chrome browser. Back to competitive advantage - tie in customers.

I use flock for a lot of my browsing. It has 'yahoo' at the top of its search choices. I end up using yahoo a lot, even though I don't think their results are as good and I can't see where to limit it to 'pages from Australia'.

I am not sure what the financial arrangements are between Yahoo and flock. However flock is based on firefox which is a part of adsense and made $72M
from google.

Flock ties a lot of social networking sites into the browser. Means that control of the platform - as per MSFT still holds a punch.

Open source makes competitive advantage in platforms even more interesting. Asay says that Chrome will result in more google contributions to apple and firefox code