Monday, September 8, 2008

Meeting Notes and Actions - #1

Meeting notes and actions for the Google B(ee) team

Meeting #: 1
Date/time: 8th September 11am
Present: John (JR), Greg (GA), James (JT)
Location: GA & JR at JR’s place with teleconference to JT

Notes and Actions;

  1. Blog site to be fully utilised with research information etc from all including voice and video meetings where possible. JR to resend blog invitation to GA.
  2. JT accepted role of assignment editor.
  3. JR accepted role of team leader.
  4. GA accepted role of researcher and team meeting coordinator.
  5. GA to complete team agreement and issue for 2nd draft (will post to Webteach).
  6. To get us started the following actions were agreed to be completed by the end of this week;
    a) JT to write Google company overview and post to blog
    b) JR to prepare report structure/format based on assignment model
    c) GA to prepare Google Strengths and Weakness analysis.
  7. All agreed with 11am weekly teleconference meetings. GA to issue outlook meeting request with contact details.

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